March 3, 2009 - 10:49 AMT
Aronian sustains defeat from Rajabov.
Armenian grandmaster Levon Aronian sustained the third defeat at Linares 2009 Chess Tournament.

This time, the Olympic champion conceded defeat from Azerbaijan's Rajabov. Aronian, playing with black pieces, yielded at the 56th move of the set. Aronian and Rajabov ended their last two games of in a draw. This tour was also marked by the success of Chinese Wang Yue, rivaling Carlsen. Wang Yue playing with black pieces inflicted a defeat upon Carlsen at the 64th move of the set. The remaining two sets of the 10th tour ended in a draw.

According 10 tours results Aronian, along with Indian grand master Viswanathan Anand and Leinier Dominguez are ranked 3rd to 5th .

Today, in the 11th tour of Linares 2009 Levon Aronian will play against Cuba's Leinier Dominguez, defeated by Aronian in the 4th tour.

10th tour results:
Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan)- Levon Aronian (Armenia) 1-0
Magnus Carlsen (Norway) - Wang Yue (China) 0-1
Alexander Grischuk (Russia) - Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine) draw
Viswanathan Anand (India) - Leinier Dominguez (Cuba) draw

Standings after 10th tour:
Grischuk -6,5 points; Ivanchuk - 5,5 points; Aronian, Carlsen, Anand - 5 points each; Radjabov, Wang Yue - 4.5 points each, Dominguez - 4 points.

11th tour participants:
Grischuk - Radjabov, Ivanchuk- Carlsen, Wang Yue- Anand, Dominguez -Aronian.