March 4, 2009 - 18:53 AMT
ALROSA Co . Ltd to expand activities in Armenia
Today the president of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan received the president of the biggest Russian diamond mining company "ALROSA", Sergey Vibornov.During the meeting the parties discussed the tendencies in the development of diamond processing industry under the conditions of financial and economic crisis in the world, touching upon the issue of cooperation with Armenian enterprises engaged in diamond processing, the possibilities of rendering assistance and some other perspectives. Sergey Vibornov presented Serzh Sargsyan the future plans of the company regarding the broadening of the company's activities in Armenia,the realization of new big projects. The head of the country emphasized the importance of furthering the cooperation with "ALROSA" and the realization of mutually advantageous projects, as the press-service of RA president reports.