February 13, 2021 - 13:12 AMT
Azeri troops seize 173 sheep from Armenian shepherd, fail to return one

When an Armenian shepherd was grazing his flock of 185 sheep near the border with Azerbaijan on Friday, February 12 morning, a group of Azeri troops approached him and seized 173 of his sheep.

According to the municipality of the village of Khdzoresk, Armenian border guards and shepherds from nearby villages, as well as mayor Yervand Malunts and the command of the 1st Army Corps quickly arrived at the scene.

It was only after negotiations that the Azerbaijani soldiers returned all but one of the sheep they had taken, the municipality added.

After the 44-day in Nagorno-Karabakh, many villages and towns in Syunik have become border settlements, where residents worry for their safety. For example, the border now passes through the Armenian village of Shurnukh, and some families have lost their property and homes as a result.