March 6, 2009 - 19:10 AMT
Russia maintained leading position in Karabakh process in 2008
Continuity of negotiations was retained in 2008 Karabakh conflict settlement process despite specific situation in domestic policy at presidential elections both in Armenia and Azerbaijan, Russia's 2008 Foreign Policy and Diplomatic Activities review specified.

It was the first time MG OSCT Co-Chairs had a chance to continue consultations with both parties in Karabakh and outlying regions during electoral period. International negotiators aimed to provide continuation of direct contacts between the parties to reach an agreement on basic principles of conflict settlement. Summit meetings were held on Jun.6 in St. Peresburg and Nov. 2 in Moscow, RF MFA report said.

According to the review, a number of meetings between RF President Dmitri Medvedev, Amrnian President Serzh Sargsyan and Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliev promoted Russia's leadership in Karabakh Conflict settlement.

The Moscow meeting of Armenian and Azerbaijan presidents resulted in trilateral declaration passage aimed at the peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. This is the fist Karabakh conflict-related document that bears signatures of both Azeri and Armenian leaders, the 2008 RA MFA review informed.