March 12, 2021 - 10:53 AMT
HALO Trust denies handing Karabakh minefield maps to Turkish forces

The HALO Trust has denied handing minefield maps of Nagorno-Karabakh to Turkish forces, hours after media reports cited a Karabakh official as saying that the organization had given the maps to the Turkish special services.

The charity has provided a large-scale mine clearance capacity in Nagorno-Karabakh since 2000.

"The HALO Trust is aware of a claim that it handed minefield maps to Turkish forces before or during the 2020 conflict over Karabakh. There is absolutely no truth to this claim," HALO said in a statement on Thursday, March 11.

"For over 20 years HALO has worked in Karabakh to make the local people safe. The HALO Trust is only able to operate in conflict zones around the world because it is a totally non-political and neutral organisation. The claim is totally false."