May 28, 2021 - 15:52 AMT
Belgian parliament urges Azerbaijan to pull back forces from Armenia

The Chamber of Representatives of Belgium on Thursday, May 27 asked the Azerbaijani government to withdraw its troops from Armenian territory, to respect the ceasefire, as well as the territorial integrity of Armenia.

On the morning of May 12, the armed forces of Azerbaijan violated the border of Armenia in the southern province of Syunik, advancing 3.5 kilometers and surrounding Sev Lake, which is situated on the border between the two countries but is predominantly a part of Armenia. On May 13, the Azerbaijani military committed more border violations against Armenia, advancing near Vardenis (Gegharkunik province) and Sisian (Syunik province). One Armenian serviceman was killed in Azerbaijan’s shooting on May 25, while six others were captured on May 27.

Belgian lawmakers adopted a "motion on the question of the return of Armenian POWs and civilians held captive by Azerbaijan following the declaration of a ceasefire of 9 November 2020".

According to the resolution, the Chamber of Representatives is deeply concerned that the full exchange of prisoners agreed as part of the ceasefire statement has not yet been implemented by Azerbaijan, and condemns in the strongest terms the many accounts of mistreatment of Armenians by Azerbaijan.

The MPs also called on Azerbaijan to immediately return all remaining Armenian prisoners of war, including civilians, at the same time urging the Federal government of Belgium to to take appropriate measures to support the release of the PoWs.