March 16, 2009 - 20:35 AMT
Turkey has driven Azerbaijan in awkward situation
Turkey and Armenia are holding talks which can result in opening of the common border, an Azeri expert said.

"Our concept bases on blockade imposed on Armenia by Azerbaijan and fraternal Turkey. We do understand that this blockade can't completely isolate Armenia from the outer world. We also understand that opening of the Armenian-Turkish border will not be an economic shock for Azerbaijan, neither will it affect the life of ordinary Armenian citizens. But opening of the border before resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict will be a blow to Azerbaijan's interests and Azeri-Turkish relations," said Mubariz Ahmedoglu, director of the Azerbaijani center of innovations and technologies.

"I believe that Ankara will take into account Azerbaijan's position," he said.

However, he remarked that opening of the border is a long process and Azerbaijan will have time to take countermeasures.

"Azerbaijan has always supported Turkey, specifically in energy projects, but the ruling AK Party has driven us in an awkward position," Ahmedoglu said, Novosti Azerbaijan reported.