November 16, 2021 - 12:31 AMT
Armenia probing Azerbaijani military's incursion in country's south

The Yeghegnadzor garrison military prosecutor's office has opened a criminal case to probe the infiltration of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces into the territory of Armenia, the press service of the General Prosecutor's Office reports.

The case was launched "in connection with a group of Azerbaijani servicemen crossing the border of Armenia in an area adjacent to the administrative territory of the Sisian community of Syunik province on November 14, advancing 1-2 kilometers, approaching four combat positions of the Armenian Armed Forces, threatening the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Armenia, implementing actions aimed at having this territory ceded to Azerbaijan, demanding the Armenian Armed Forces to leave the territory."

The criminal case will also look into the circumstances that enabled the enemy forces to approach said combat positions and made the servicemen of the Armenian Army withdraw from the area.