March 26, 2009 - 23:30 AMT
Russia criticizes EU Eastern Partnership
Russia's Foreign Ministry Thursday renewed criticism of the European Union's new "Eastern Partnership" with six ex-Soviet states, saying the scheme forced them to side with either Europe or Russia, easy reports

"We still have questions regarding the added value of the 'Eastern Partnership'," ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko told journalists at a weekly briefing.

He referred to a plan launched last week in Brussels designed to provide support to eastern European countries and also encourage reforms.

The countries involved - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and possibly Belarus - "face an artificial choice: Are you with the European Union or are you with Russia?" said Nesterenko.

"That can be applied to Belarus to the fullest extent," he said.

He also warned against bringing the countries into conflict with Moscow-led regional structures such as the Commonwealth of Independent States and a defense group called the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

"In our opinion, such an architecture of E.U. cooperation with Russia's neighbors shouldn't come into conflict with the integration obligations of these counties within the CIS and the Collective Security Treaty Organization," said Nesterenko.

The new partnership plan has an aid package attached worth EUR600 million - money likely to be welcome as the economic crisis hits the region.