December 13, 2021 - 11:45 AMT
Ombudsman details Azerbaijan's atrocities in new Rai 1 film

Italy's Rai 1 television channel has prepared a film about the Second Karabakh war, its causes and consequences, Human Rights Defender Armen Tatoyan said Sunday, December 12, adding that he was interviewed from the film.

"The Azeri servicemen committed atrocities, beheading Armenians, cutting off body parts deceased persons and doing so with open faces, confident that they would not be punished. Later, they shared videos or photos about it on social networks, spreading scenes of violence in the Armenian environment, and being encouraged in their country," Tatoyan said in a statement.

"I talked about human rights violations during the war, I showed the evidence of war crimes. I also spoke about the very disproportionate reaction of international organizations, as well as the fact that all this led to ethnic cleansing in Artsakh, a consequence of the genocidal policy."

Dozens of videos of Azeri troops cutting the throats and ears of Armenians have been spreading online since the final days of the war in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Azerbaijanis subject the Armenian POWs and captives to physical abuse and humiliation. The videos depict Azerbaijani captors variously slapping, kicking, and prodding Armenian POWs, and compelling them, under obvious duress and with the apparent intent to humiliate, to kiss the Azerbaijani flag. In most of the videos, the captors’ faces are visible, suggesting that they did not fear being held accountable.