February 2, 2022 - 18:13 AMT
Mirzoyan sees no problem in Armenia's participation in Turkish Forum

Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said Wednesday, February 2 that he sees no problem in Armenia's possible participation in the Antalya Diplomacy Forum and added that the matter is still being discussed.

Mirzoyan made the remarks at a press conference with his Austrian counterpart Alexander Schallenberg in Yerevan Wednesday, February 2, Panorama.am reports.

The Armenian foreign policy chief said Yerevan has yet to decide whether it is participating in the forum.

"It is an international diplomatic event in which the Republic of Armenia may decide to participate. Not only will I not see a problem there, but if we connect it with the normalization of relations with Turkey, it has nothing but positive shades," he added.

The upcoming edition of the Antalya Diplomacy Forum will be held on March 11-13.