February 24, 2022 - 14:27 AMT
Aliyev: Russia-Azerbaijan-Turkey cooperation format could be created

A trilateral format of cooperation between Russia, Azerbaijan and Turkey may be formed in the near future, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev told the Russian media on Wednesday, February 23, TASS reports.

"And, probably, it's no secret to anyone that a de facto trilateral format of cooperation is already being created too. It has not been formalized yet, there have not yet been meetings of foreign ministers, not to mention presidents, but it is being established. It is being formed on the basis of common interests, pragmatism and similarity," he said.

Aliyev maintained that the three countries have common features of governance systems and values that they are committed to.

On Tuesday, Aliyev and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin signed a Declaration on Allied Cooperation between their countries.