April 3, 2009 - 20:57 AMT
Purchase exceeded sale by USD 4 million at Armenian foreign exchange market
USD 48.533.036 was purchased at weighted average price of AMD 368.38 per USD 1 and USD 44.474.460 was sold at weighted average price of AMD 371.08 per USD 1 at Armenian foreign exchange market within the period of Mar. 30-Apr.3, CBA Press Service reported.

Purchase and sale volume at bank market totaled USD 18.400.000 at weighted average price of AMD365.91 per USD 1.

Purchase and sale volume at NASDAQ OMX totaled USD 100.000 at weighted average price of AMD 371 per USD 1.

Within Mar. 23-29 RA commercial banks loan volumes totaled AMD 6,1 billon and USD 12,8 million.