April 6, 2009 - 16:45 AMT
SCRW fright turnover increased by 3.2% compared with 2008 results
South Caucasian Railways CJSC fright turnover increased by 3.2% compared with 2008 results.
According to forecasts, in 2009 cargo weight will comprise 2782.6 million ton, which exceeds 2008 results (2.75 million ton) by 1%.13% crop freight volume increase is scheduled, as well as local transportation freight increase by 9,5%, SCRW Press Service reported to PanARMENIAN.Net.

SCRW freight types include transportation of cement (11,14%), crops(15,67%), oil and oil products (11,69%) chemical and mineral fertilizers(1,59%).

South Caucasus Railways is an Armenia-based 100% branch of Russian Railways Public Corporation. Armenian railways were transmitted into concessionary administration of South Caucasian railways in accordance with Feb. 13, 2008 concessionary agreement. The term of Concessionary agreement is 30 years with 20 years of prolongation right.