September 19, 2022 - 16:02 AMT
Blinken urges Aliyev to respect ceasefire with Armenia

U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken has urged Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to adhere to the ceasefire with Armenia.

The two spoke over the phone on Sunday, September 18, with Blinken welcoming a halt to recent hostilities.

“He urged President Aliyev to adhere to the ceasefire, disengage military forces, and work to resolve all outstanding issues between Armenia and Azerbaijan through peaceful negotiations,” the Department of State said in a statement.

Blinken earlier urged Aliyev to cease hostilities against Armenia immediately and pull forces back from the border.

The Armenian Defense Ministry said on Monday, September 19 morning that there was no change in the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. The latest round of fighting erupted in the wee hours of September 13, when Azerbaijan launched a large-scale offensive along the border, also targeting civilian settlements deep behind the frontline. At least 135 people were killed in the aggression from the Armenian side.