December 22, 2022 - 16:13 AMT
Karabakh HRD: Azeris hinder movement of Russian peacekeeping convoy

Footage spreading on social media appears to show self-described Azerbaijani “environmentalists” hindering the movement of a convoy of Russian peacekeeping forces in Nagorno-Karabakh, Karabakh Obbudsman Gegham Stepanyan has said on social media.

"The Russian peacekeeper approaches the so-called Azerbaijani “environmentalists” asking to open the road in Lachin corridor for the Russian peacekeepers’ convoy to pass," Stepanyan has said.

"Being rejected he orders the tracks to turn around and go. Another proof of fake [Azerbaijani] narrative.

For almost two weeks now, the key road has been blocked by Azerbaijanis who claim to be environmentalists. Azerbaijan had also deprived the people of Karabakh of gas supplies.