December 22, 2022 - 19:15 AMT
Azerbaijan not responding to Yerevan’s proposals for “months”

Armenia sent to Azerbaijan its proposals related to the further work of the committee on border delimitation and security issues months ago, but hasn’t received any answer to date, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan told a Cabinet meeting on Thursday, December 22.

“The Republic of Armenia has conveyed to Azerbaijan its proposals regarding the re-opening of regional communications and is ready to go that way for an immediate solution to the issue,” Pashinyan said.

“The Republic of Armenia forwarded its proposals on guaranteeing border security to Azerbaijan months ago, but we have not received any answer to date.”

The Prime Minister said proposals also touch the occupied territories of Armenia.

“Our position remains the same that Azerbaijan should stop the occupation of the sovereign territories of the Republic of Armenia, and its troops should be withdrawn from the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia.”