January 3, 2023 - 14:59 AMT
Opposition MP wants "more intensive work" with Russia

Opposition lawmaker Tigran Abrahamyan believes that Armenia must work with Russia "more intensively than ever" to decide what needs to be done to restrain possible Azerbaijani aggression.

Abrahamyan's remarks come amid Baku's blockade of the Lachin Corridor - the sole road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia - which has been going on for over 20 days now.

The MP said the Russian peacekeeping force deployed in Nagorno-Karabakh did have the capacity to prevent continued Azerbaijani aggression against Armenia and Karabakh. He maintained, however, that if the peacekeeping contingent is pulled out of Karabakh, Azerbaijan won't stop with blocking the corridor, which will pave the way for a bigger Azerbaijani attack.

"Even if the Russian Federation is able to delay the attack and buy some time with its presence, it's not bad. Another question is that we need to use that time and prepare," he said in social media on Tuesday, January 3.

"It is necessary to work with Russia more intensively than ever in order to understand how and what should be done to restrain the possible aggression of Azerbaijan."