April 18, 2009 - 21:38 AMT
Karekin II calls on international community to recognize and condemn Armenian Genocide
Total recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Empire will prevent future crimes against humanity, Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II said in his message (Kondak) issued on 100th anniversary of the Armenian massacres in Adana where 30,000 Armenians were slaughtered.

"The Cilician massacres were the continuation of the plans of Sultan Abdul Hamid II to "eliminate" the Armenian question by annihilating the Armenian population. More than nine decades have passed since the Genocide of the Armenians. However, our tragedy-stricken people, who lost more than one and one-half million souls in the genocide planned and executed by the Turkish authorities, never ceased to hope for the universal condemnation of the crimes committed against our forebears. And they continue to always raise their voice of protest in the name of justice for the entire world to hear, so that similar calamities never again darken human life," the message said.

"The Armenian Genocide opened a bloody and dark page of unheard of tragedy not only for our people, but in the history of all nations. Policies of ethnic persecution and fanatic nationalism cause serious concern, and demand the unified, universal and immediate condemnation by international society. as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian massacres in Adana and Cilicia, we once again call for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide for the sake of a world free of violence, at peace and in prosperity," it said.