March 13, 2023 - 11:16 AMT
Azerbaijan rejects any international discussion of Karabakh Armenians’ rights

Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan, head of the foreign policy department of the presidential administration Hikmet Hajiyev said that Armenia’s conditions for signing a peace treaty with Azerbaijan cannot include plans to create an international mechanism to discuss the rights and security of Armenians in Karabakh, Report news agency reveals (via

Putting forward the rights and security of Armenians living in Karabakh and the creation of an international mechanism [to discuss this issue] as a condition for Armenia to sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan is a completely unacceptable and dangerous approach.

He added that Armenia's claims are illogical and are designed to create artificial tension. In addition, Hajiyev added that Azerbaijan has never agreed to this and will regard the creation of such mechanisms as interference in the internal affairs of the country.

Earlier, Armenia stated that Azerbaijan again cut off gas supplies to Karabakh.

According to the Armenian side, Azerbaijan creates unbearable conditions for the life of the local Armenian population with the aim of ethnic cleansing.