April 8, 2023 - 12:41 AMT
Former Karabakh Army chief is guilty, says Investigative Committee

Former commander of the Nagorno Karabakh Defense Army Mikael Arzumanyan has been found guilty for the fall of the city of Shushi and a key height called Arega during the 44-day war, according to the preliminary investigation by the Investigative Committee.

Arzumanyan assumed the post of Army Commander on October 27, 2020 – one month into a devastating war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Karabakh.

The criminal case has been sent to the prosecutor's office, Araratnews.am reports.

A few days ago, Arzumanyan's lawyer, Yerem Sargsyan, confirmed that the preliminary investigation was completed, claiming that accusations against Arzumanyan were groundless.

Lieutenant-General Mikael Arzumanian was detained and charged with criminal negligence immediately after entering Armenia from Karabakh in late August. The Investigative Committee first indicted Arzumanian over the capture by Azerbaijani forces of the Karabakh town of Shushi. The Investigative Committee then said that the general also ordered Karabakh Armenian forces to withdraw from “strategically important” positions retaken by them days after the war broke out on September 27, 2020.