April 30, 2009 - 18:05 AMT
Over 70% of Armenian companies not represented in Global Network
Within the frames of "INFO.AM" project, "Master" Center of International Integration Support has conducted marketing research in Armenia. Over 70% of Armenian companies turned out to be unaware of the opportunities offered by the Global Network. The leadership of over 40% of companies have absolutely no idea about the advantages of using the Internet, the INFO.AM press release reports. "Another great problem is that only over 15% of companies having Internet sites periodically update their Web pages. The remaining 85% cannot afford it due to different reasons," the reports says.

The project aims to represent Armenian companies on the Internet. To achieve that, INFO.AM prepares and posts Armenian companies' Web sites on the Internet. The activities are carried out in the frames of the Government program aimed at enhancing business atmosphere. There are currently 100 organizations participating in the project.