May 5, 2009 - 13:28 AMT
Region faces Caucasian Dayton?
Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian's visit to Washington proves that the American diplomacy observed the pledge to Turkey and did not put the Karabakh issue on the agenda of reconciliation talks, an Armenian expert said.

"Meanwhile, pressure on Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Karabakh issue will be intensified. The fact is that the U.S. is displeased with the political isolation of the region. And Washington's top task is to bring the region back to the geopolitics," Ruben Mehrabyan, expert at the Armenian center of political and international studies, told PanARMENIAN.Net.

"As to Russia, it tries to maintain its prestige in the region in 're-load mode' with Obama," he said.

The U.S. administration logic resembles the processes going on in 1990ies in Balkans. So, it's very likely that we are facing a Caucasian Dayton," Mehrabyan concluded.