May 5, 2009 - 20:12 AMT
Public Council Committee has not yet made decision on disputable issues
In its session to be held on May 7, Public Council Committee on Religion, Diaspora and Integration will hold session to elect Chairman, Committee Coordinator Karen Bekaryan told a PanARMENIAN.Net correspondent. Not giving details on agenda issues, Mr. Bekaryan said that the session will focus on voting procedures. He also added that the decision on second round or repeated voting will be made during the May 7 discussion.

The Committee held its previous session on April 22. Of the 192 registered members, 156 were present. Under Committee Regulations, one of the 12 Public Council members automatically became Committee Chairman.

After vote count, Gagik Minasyan, associate professor of Pedagogical University, appeared on top (71 votes). Rouben Safrastyan (39 votes) and Levon Melik-Shahnazaryan came next. During vote tabulation, one of voting bulletins appeared invalid, resulting in an incident between Gagik Manasyan and Rouben Safrastyan.