May 5, 2009 - 20:23 AMT
RF FSB: Russia established stricter control on Georgian border
Russian frontier guards have established stricter control on Georgian border, RF FSB South Caucasus Department Spokesman Sergey Livantsov said.

"A week ago our frontier subdivisions established stricter control on the " Russian-Georgian section of state border. We don't have enough means to cope with all tasks, safeguarding the area against any incident," he said.

In the meantime, Livantsov noted that decision to establish stricter control was made with security considerations "not determined by us," RIA-Novosti reports.

Georgian Interior Ministry declared of having uncovered a plot for an "armed uprising", perpetrated by former Defense Ministry senior officials who allegedly had direct contact with Russian special services.

Later, Georgian Defense Minister David Sikharulidze reported that troops of a tank battalion at the Mukhrovani base had launched a "rebellion".

Moscow characterized Tbilisi's accusations as "raving and agony of ruling regime". "It is done prior to NATO exercises on purpose in order to distract international community's attention," RF Foreign Ministry reported.