May 13, 2009 - 15:02 AMT
"Inaccuracy" of Bryza's statement not accidental
Independent Armenian expert Harutyun Mesropyan thinks that inaccuracy of OSCE Minsk Group U.S. Co-chair Matthew Bryza was not conditioned by poor knowledge of the Russian language.

"Bryza's statement was rather ambiguous. On the one hand, the Co-chairs say that the Karabakh conflict resolution has nothing to do with opening of the Armenian-Turkish border. On the other hand, they say that these processes are interrelated," Mesropyan told a news conference today.

"Bryza's statement was a provocation. I advise journalists to closely watch the record on the Karabakh issue. Mediators send a message and if the sides to not react fiercely, this message transforms into a document," he underscored.

"An agreement on road map was signed by Armenian and Turkish Foreign Ministries on the eve of Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents met on May 7, just two days before Shushi Liberation Day. Is this really coincidence?" Mesropyan said.