May 15, 2009 - 14:10 AMT
Turkey's prime minister to open border with Armenia after parliamentary elections
Azeri political scientist Zardusht Alizade believes that the prime minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan only temporarily give up opening of the Armenian border in order to win the forthcoming parliamentary elections. This was reported by the "News Azerbaijan" information agency. According to the political scientist, thanks to Azerbaijan's efforts, Turkish opposition managed to turn the Nagorno Karabakh issue into domestic policy issue for Turkey. "Therefore by his recent statements related to obligatory linkage of the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border with tangible moves in Nagorno Karbakh settlement Erdogan removed that issue from the agenda and disarmed opposition," Z.Alizade said.

Zadusht Alizade is certain, that after Turkish prime minister has won the parliamentary elections, he will forget about Nagorno Karabakh and will get down to execution of already de facto trade economic relations between Armenia and Turkey.