May 15, 2009 - 19:45 AMT
Differences should be directed at constructive development between the countries
International conference on regional security issues in South Caucasus is being held in Yerevan.
The conference hosted representatives of 32 countries and 4 international organizations including EU, OSCE, SCTO. Conference participants focused on regional security issues, regional conflict settlement, struggle against international terrorism, drug-dealing and trafficking as well as collaboration in energetic projects.

In his statement to conference participants, RA President Serzh Sargsyan expressed his confidence that the conference will significantly contribute to strengthening regional security and promote collaboration between the states.

Security Council Secretary Arthur Baghdasaryan, addressing to conference participants, emphasized that differences in culture, language and history should not be a source of conflict but a basis for constructive development between the countries.

Artur Baghdasaryan referred to Armenian-Turkish ties normalization as an example of tolerance and stressed Armenia's constructive role in NKR conflict settlement.

RA Defense Minister, Seyran Ohanyan, in his turn, touched upon the importance of creating single approaches in security provision issues.