May 16, 2009 - 22:23 AMT
AUR protests unprincipled compliance of Eurovision-2009 organizers
Armenians' Union of Russia protests against unprincipled compliance of the organizers of Eurovision-2009.

According to publications in media, Azeri authorities sent their ultimatum to organizers of the Eurovision-2009 contest to remove the image of the Armenian monument "We and our Mountains" authored by Sargis Baghdasaryan from the video reel of Armenian participants Anush and Inga Arshakyan. They motivated their claim stating, that the monument is located in Nagorno Karabakh, "which is not in jurisdiction of the Republic of Armenia ", says the Armenians' Union of Russia.

"Astonishingly, that absurd claim was satisfied. Even if we don't take into account the fact, that this is a gross violation of competition regulations and strikes at the rights of the participants, the fact of readiness of organizers to be led by ridiculous claims of Azeri side, known for its armeno-phobia, remains puzzled.

Following the Azeri logic, famous " Dead Souls" of Nicolay Gogol should not be considered a Russian work of art, since it was written in Italy, and the picture of а crescent should be removed from the flag of Azerbaijan since, the Moon is ot in Azerbaijani jurisdiction. "We and our Mountains" is a pattern of Armenian culture and placement of its picture on the visiting card of Armenian participants is their natural right.

Armenians Union of Russia considers this action of Azeri authorities as another step in a chain of many similar deeds, aimed at aggravation of the conflict, and this arouse our regret," says the letter of AUR.

AUR protests behavior of the organizers of Eurovision-2009, who yielded to involving politics in a pan-European cultural event and not only violated the rights of the Armenian participants on the eve of the decisive final, but by their unprincipled compliance encouraged Azeri authorities to continue their unconstructive politics of ridiculous clams on odd occasions, which happened repeatedly.