May 18, 2009 - 15:48 AMT
Public Council appointed Head of Committee on Religion, Diaspora and External Integration Issues
RA Christian Democratic Party Leader, Public Council representative Khosrov Harutyunyan emphasized the importance of Council's activities and expressed a hope that the results will be felt even in September.

Commenting the process of election new Head of Committee on Religion, Diaspora and External Integration Issues, Harutyunyan stated, "New elections were organized in accordance with Council regulation. 4 out of 9 candidates refused to run for the office. At May 15 elections Ruben Safrastyan, RA NAS Oriental Studies Institute Director, was elected as Head of Committee," he noted, adding that in future Committee's activities might be divided between Religion and Diaspora Department and External Integration Department.

Public Council Committee on Religion, Diaspora and External Integration Issues held a meeting on Apr. 22 to elect Committee Head. 152 out of 192 registered Committee representatives attended the meeting.

According to voting results, Abovyan Pedagogical Institute Associate Professor Gagik Manasyan received 71 votes and Ruben Safrastyan - 39 votes, followed by Levon Melik-Shakhnazaryan. While counting votes, the committee found the decisive 71st bulletin invalid, which stirred up an incident between Gagik Manasyan's and Ruben Safrastyan's supporters.
Gagik Manasyan spoke of bringing an action against the Council. Still, on May 2 Committee coordinator Karen Bekaryan said no court notification was received as yet.