May 18, 2009 - 18:37 AMT
Ameriabank plans to implement automatic management system
Ameriabank CJSC, having received ISO 9001:2008 International Quality Management Certificate, launched implementation works for automatic management system, Ameriabank Press Service Reported.

Over 70 business processes, permanently controlled, changed and perfected are currently active in Ameriabank.

To increase the effectiveness of works implemented and familiarize himself with international practice, Ameriabank expert in charge of quality management studied ARIS, AllFusion (BPwin), Dialog Strategy (Corporate Express), Business Studio programs abroad. One of the programs will soon be implemented in the bank to provide effective automatic business processes management.

Ameriabank CJSC is an investment bank, which offers corporate and limited number of individual banking services, by providing with a complete package of banking solutions. Troika Dialog Group, one of the largest Russian investment banking companies, is the strategic partner of Ameriabank.