May 18, 2009 - 19:45 AMT
Gul characterized Merkel and Sarkozy's statements unacceptable
Some European countries' efforts towards preventing Turkey's accession to EU are unacceptable, Turkish President Abdullah Gul said. Mr. Gul finds that there has been a unanimous decision by the Europeans to start negotiations with Turkey on its accession to European Union. According to the Turkish President, any discussion over the issue is tantamount to violating the decisions taken by the EU and would mean that the decision to start negotiations with Turkey were not sincere. "It would be unacceptable," Gul said, commenting upon German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy's recent statements against Ankara's accession to EU.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu have also criticized Merkel and Sarkozy, calling on the EU member states not to make Ankara's claim for EU membership a "domestic issue".

Gul also said Sunday that Turkey has played an important role in Europe ever since World War II. "Turkey is a country that has made big sacrifices to protect a free Europe during Cold War."