May 25, 2009 - 18:48 AMT
Yerevan hosted a presentation of collected stories by Machado de Assis
RA National Library hosted a presentation of collected stories by Machado de Assis. The event was dedicated to the farewell of the first Brazilian Ambassador, Renate Stille to Armenia.

The book includes 12 collected stories by Brazilian classical author, whose 100th anniversary is celebrated by the world in 2009.

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis often known as Machado de Assis (June 21, 1839—September 29, 1908) was a Brazilian novelist, poet and short story writer. He is widely regarded as the most important writer of Brazilian literature. Machado's works had a great influence on Brazilian literary schools of the late 19th century and 20th century.
Within first 3 years of his work, Brazilian Ambassador to Armenia, Renate Stille opened departments of Portuguese language in YSU and Bryusov Linguistic University, launched Brazilian Cultural Center and published a number of booklets on Brazil in Armenian.