May 25, 2009 - 19:03 AMT
Stepanakert hosted a forum for NKR NGOs
Recently Stepanakert hosted the second forum for NKR NGOs, entitled "Peacemaking. Tendencies and perspectives". NGO leaders and experts at international programs on trust- building between conflicting parties participated in the discussion. NKR NA External communication committee chairman Vahram Atanesyan and NKR International Collaboration Center Director Janna Krikorova were also invited.

As one of forum participants told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, the forum focused on NKR conflict settlement negotiation process and influence of political processes on non-governmental peacemaking initiatives. Based on discussions, forum participants concluded that recently peaceful civilian dialogue has had a tendency to being politicized, which distorts actual situation and forestalls official political conflict settlement results.

To prevent such tendencies, which have a harmful impact on national diplomacy's dynamics and affectivity, forum participants resolved to create a Social Union to collaborate with regional and international organizations in different spheres. Forum participants also adopted a declaration on NKR civil society's participation principles in international peacemaking projects.