May 25, 2009 - 20:20 AMT
NGOs in Karabakh reiterate their commitment to peaceful conflict settlement
NGO leaders and experts from Nagorno Karabakh elaborated a joint declaration reiterating their commitment to peaceful settlement of Karabakh conflict. "We are willing to be active participant in processes aimed at establishing peace and stability is South Caucasus. We believe that a more effective way towards achieving peace and stability in conflict settlement is to develop cooperation," says the Declaration on the principles of NKR civil society representatives' participation in international peacekeeping projects. The document was adopted in Stepanakert during the past forum on "Peacekeeping: Tendencies and Perspectives."

Under the Declaration, NKR society's interests in international projects on Karabakh conflict settlement should be presented exclusively by the NKR civil society representatives.

"We declare our principles of participation in international peacekeeping projects:
not to be involved in inter-community or any other projects contravening and injuring our self-identification as NKR citizens;
to cooperate with international organizations and donors based on principles of mutual transparency and openness and considering the real situation," activists stress in the Declaration.