May 25, 2009 - 21:33 AMT
"The Morganthau Story" to be screened in US
"The Morganthau Story", a film by Apo Torosyan, will be screened in the international association of genocide scholars biennial conference in Arlington. The film was shot in the frameworks of "2009 Roundtable on Art and Genocide" project. The presentation is scheduled for June 8.

The film is dedicated to the activities of Henry Morgenthau, US Ambassador in Turkey and Entente countries in 1913-26. He paid special attention to Christian missions and Armenians, and appealed to the Turkish Government to stop the mass killings of civilians on their territory. In 1923, he helped save thousands of Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians. Apo Torosyan's film is based on the recollections of the diplomat's descendents.

Another film to be shown during the conference is "Voice". The film is based on the recollections of Genocide survivors who had lived in Izmir.

Actor and Director Apo Torosyan was born in Turkey where he lived for 26 years. He is a second-generation descendent of Armenian and Greek genocide survivors. He cannot visit his birthplace because of his films about the 1915 events. The director plans to send his documentaries to Turkey to have them translated into Turkish and presented to public.