June 3, 2009 - 16:46 AMT
ANC will take its best efforts to prevent the civil war
ANC representative Vahagn Khatchatryan said at today's news conference that the opposition sees constitutional struggle as a way out of current situation. He also called on opposition supporters to show insubordination and irreconcilability. "We'll fight till the end, and the next elections conducted in Armenia will be directed at the change of power," Vahagn Khatchatryan stated. He noted that for serious struggle against political forces currently at power, ANC should at minimum take possession of administrative recourses.

According to Vahagn Khatchatryan, Armenia is stuck in a swamp and the authorities do not realize that by conducting such disgraceful elections, they keep exacerbating the situation. "In the end, we'll either face a civil war or a revolution. ANC will take its best efforts to prevent the civil war, as it would signify the end of the third Republic of Armenia."