June 5, 2009 - 19:59 AMT
Cycle racing championship was launched in Armenia
Armenian cycle racing championship was launched in Yerevan on June 25. The championship will last till June 7, and more than 40 sportsmen in three age classes will participate in it, Armenian Cycle Racing Federation's Executive Director Karen Grigoryan told a PanARMENIAN.Net correspondent.

"This is the second round of Armenian championship. The first was organized on a highway from 22 till 24 June. After the championship, Armenian national team will leave for Turkey under the supervision of coach Armen Gezalyan to participate in the international tournament to be held in the town of Konya on June 16-21. In the European Youth Track Cycling Championship scheduled for July 15-19, Armenia will be represented by Suren Petrosyan," Mr. Grigoryan said.

Suren Petrosyan and Aram Melikyan will also participate in the World Junior Championship due in Moscow on August 20-24.