June 10, 2009 - 02:08 AMT
1st annual Hye festival in Fresno
Armenian culture got the spotlight in downtown Fresno (CA, USA) this weekend. Kids wowed the crowd with traditional dancing at Fulton Mall, for the 1st annual Hye festival. The word "hye" is Armenian for "Armenian", and the festival didn't disappoint in offering good music and dance, kmph.com reports.

No one walked away with an empty stomach, with tasty barbecue up for grabs.
The event was sponsored by the City of Fresno, and organizers say the Armenian culture is a big part of Fresno's appeal.

"The reason we're here is because there are 60,000 Armenians in Fresno, and Fresno has a huge Armenian community that is part of this city, and that's why we're putting on this event today," said Diko Chekian, of the Hye Festival entertainment committee.

More than 4,500 people took part in the Hye festival this weekend.