June 10, 2009 - 20:32 AMT
Alexander Manasyan: France will not lose ground so easily
France will not so easily lose ground as member of OSCE MG, Alexander Manasyan, Head of YSU Theoretical Philosophy Chair, told a news conference today.

As mentioned by Professor, Azerbaijan attacks OSCE MG to provoke a conflict and decrease Russia and France's pressure. With regard to MG American Co-Chair Matthew Bryza's recent statement, who replaced the term "legal right" with "political right" when speaking about Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, Manasyan said that Bryza's conduct could not contradict OSCE's interests.

Touching upon Armenian-Russian-Azerbaijani relations, Manasyan referred to the statement of some Azerbaijani representative who claimed that Russia would soon lose interest in Armenia, after receiving Baku's offer for economic cooperation.