June 18, 2009 - 20:10 AMT
Hollidays is out this year, since there is a crisis
RA prime minister Tigran Sargsyan said at the governmental sitting today, that he is dissatisfied since high-ranking officials apply for summer vacations. He stressed, that due to economic crisis all officials will rest inside the country and cannot enjoy long-term summer leaves.

According to him, the season of summer holidays will not begin for the government since it has to work hard in summer. 'I am very much astonished by the fact that high-ranking officials apply for one-month summer leaves as if Armenia had already overcome the financial economic crisis and there is no unusual situation in Armenia requiring hard work. Economic indicators are not so good this year for our country, and 2009 is the most difficult in respect to economy. We must be alert," Tigran Sargsyan said.

According to Mr. Sargsyan officials can take short-term leaves and rest only inside Armenia. He stressed, that the summer season will be a season of hard and intensive work for the government since the economic indicators in the country are getting worse.