June 22, 2009 - 20:03 AMT
Azeri intellectuals curry favor with Armenia
Azerbaijani intellectuals again want to meet with Armenian fellows to discuss the Karabakh issue.

"It's a skilful move, since they curry favor with Armenians," military psychologist David Jamalyan said. "This meeting is dangerous for the Armenian side, because Azeris are preparing well, unlike us."

While Armenian intelligentsia is getting ready for the next meeting, the Azeri side is developing a strategy of psychological pressure, according to him.

For his part, Karen Vrtanesyan, director of Armenianhouse.org online library advised to keep in mind that "intellectuals are ordinary people who will act for their own benefit."

It's not known who will represent the Armenian side. The talks are expected in July although exact date and venue of the meeting are not determined yet.