June 24, 2009 - 20:52 AMT
Armenia is interested in Georgia's stability and development
"We've discussed the full spectrum of bilateral relations, as well as regional issues with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. Relations between Armenia and Georgia are on a high level and there are few nations in the world whose relations can serve as an imitation example. Friendship between Armenian and Georgian people is proved by centuries, and we'd like intergovernmental relations to be as friendly," RA President Serzh Sargsyan told a joint news conference with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. According to RA President, both countries have common interests in provision of regional stability and economic collaboration development.

RA President emphasized that any regional problem should be settled through peaceful dialogue. "We've already received evidence that forceful conflict settlement has no perspectives. I hope Georgian President shares our views on this issue. Armenia is interested in Georgia's stability and development," Sargsyan said.

In his turn, Mikhail Saakahvili warmly recalled his meetings with the second RA President Robert Kocharyan. "I believe that we have similar friendly relations with President Sargsyan. In autumn, we plan to have a joint School Olympiad either in Batumi or Tbilisi. Georgia also appreciates Armenian's balanced position is territorial integrity issue," Saakashvili emphasized, adding that Armenia and Georgia lost a lot of time to be made up for now.