June 27, 2009 - 19:38 AMT
Germany's role in annihilation of Armenians in Ottoman Empire to be discussed in Frankfurt on Main
Today in Frankfurt-am-Main an event devoted to "Deportation and annihilation of Christians in the Ottoman Empire and the role of Germany" will be organized by the People's House of Turkey union.

The Turkish historian, sociologist and writer, professor Taner Akçam will make a report on "Ottoman documents on the deportation and annihilation of Armenians".

Taner Akçam is one of the first Turkish academics who recognized the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire, since 1978, he lives in Germany, where he obtained a political refugee status.

German writer Wolfgang Gust, in turn, will make a report on "The Role of Germany in the extermination of the Armenian people." Gust, a former editor of the German weekly magazine «Spiegel», is the author of two books on Armenian history and genocide.

The event will be attended by the head of Frankfurt's office for multicultural affairs Helga Nagel.