July 15, 2009 - 18:42 AMT
Names of Iranian judosits killed in Tehran-Yerevan plane crash announced
Names of Iranian judosits, killed in Tehran-Yerevan plane crash are announced.

According to Iranian media, 8 judoists instead of 12 planned left for Yerevan.

As RA Judo Federation President, Alexan Avetisyan told PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, representatives of RA Federation were in the airport to welcome Iranian delegation. "We planned a joint training for RA and Iran Youth Teams. Iran Federation sent us a team list of 12 wrestlers. We're yet unaware as to those who stayed behind. I express my deepest regret over the catastrophe," Avetisyan said.

Iran Youth Team list

Coaches: Bahrami Ali, aged 42; Jenabzadeh Mohammad, aged 44

1. Bana Hossein aged 16
2. Azizollahi Masayeb aged 16
3. Bagherpour Yahya aged 16
4. Ebrahimi Doloo Vahid aged 15
5. Rasouli Saeed aged 16
6. Sabaghi Mostafa aged 16
7. Zeinivandnejad Iman aged 16
8. Ali Mohades aged 38
9. Bahram Aghakhani
10. Alireza Lashagari

Iran provided no information on the names of two last wrestlers as they had to receive passports within several days to come. Names of two judoists of Iranian Youth Team, who stayed behind in Tehran are being clarified.

The Caspian Airlines Russian made Tupolev jet was heading from Tehran to the Armenian capital Yerevan when it crashed at 11:33 am local time (0803GMT), 16 minutes after take-off from Tehran's Imam Khomeini International Airport.