July 17, 2009 - 12:51 AMT
Situation in Marganets under control
On July 13-14, RA Ambassador to Ukraine, Armen Khachatryan visited the city of Marganets, Dnepropetrovsk region in connection with recent incident.

The Ambassador met with city and regional officials, as well as heads of law enforcement agencies to discuss much talked of incident, RA Embassy in Ukraine told Analitika.at.ua and PanARMENIAN.Net reporters.

According to Armen Khachatryan, local authorities assured that currently the situation is settled and controlled by local law enforcement agencies. The Ambassador expressed regret that some forces were trying to inscribe an ethnic character to a domestic incident. Local authorities emphasized the exemplary reputation of Armenian community, which deserves both local authorities' and general public's trust and sympathy. Armen Khachatryan thanked regional and city authorities for steps taken towards stabilization of the situation. The Ambassador also met Armenian community of Marganets within visit frameworks.

On June 28, riots started after a fight between Ukrainians and Armenians in a cafe of Ukrainian city of Marganets. A young police inspector was killed at the attempt to stop the fight. Ukrainians called the police and Armenians disappeared from the scene of fight.

For the second time, fight participants met at the hospital to where those injured were taken. Both companies came with reinforcement.

Kids playing nearby witnessed the pogrom. After a short fight Armenians left and their cars were left for hooligans to demolish. According to community's lawyer Alla Arakelova, after the fight large-scale riots stared in city: houses have been burnt, more than 15 cars have been destroyed.