July 22, 2009 - 17:49 AMT
Armenia should know precisely what it must comply for
Situation around the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is at a critical fault line, Vardan Khachatryan , a member of the parliamentary "Heritage" fraction told a press conference today. According to him, very few people know about the details of negotiations, and the Armenian potential is inefficiently used.

According to Mr. Khachatryan, there is no clarity related to the conditions of the plebiscite, which could become a casus then. He also said, referring to some international sources, that, allegedly, two hundred thousand passports have already been printed for the Azerbaijani refugees in Germany, which is alarming.

Turning to the declassified Madrid principles, Mr. Khachatryan stressed that there is an important item of surrendering the territories and returning of refugees, without provision of a similar mechanism for the Armenian refugees.

To the question of a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter about the possibility of returning of the Azerbaijani refugees in the current tense circumstances, Mr. Khachatryan said that the principles have a lot of uncertainties and their implementation mechanisms are not clear.

Khachatryan once again called upon to recognize the independence of Nagorno Karabakh, and to do everything for its return to the negotiating table under equal terms with Azerbaijan.

He again stressed that the outcomes of the current phase of the negotiations show only what can Azerbaijan really get, while concessions in favor of Armenia are still in the vague future. "Armenia should know, in exchange for what it must make concessions", Vardan Khachatryan concluded.