August 3, 2009 - 19:07 AMT
Turkey tries to secure concessions from Armenia
"We can't live in anger and hostility atmosphere forever. We have to create grounds for RA -Turkish rapprochement. First step is the most important one, no mater whether it's undertaken through "football diplomacy" or as an expression of good will," RA Literature Institute Director Avo Isahakyan told a news conference today.

According to him, recent Armenian-Turkish rapprochement -related events proved Turkey tries to secure concessions on NKR issue from Armenia without trying to improve relations. "I wish we had normalized relations with Turkey. Too bad Armenia is more ready to improve ties than Turkey is. We're not the ones who committed the Genocide, we're not the perpetrators," Isahakyan stated, expressing a hope that at least Turkish and Armenian youth will manage to reach mutual understanding.