August 5, 2009 - 15:55 AMT
Will August events be repeated this year?
"Should some hotheads in Tbilisi try to commemorate the anniversary of South Ossetian aggression failure with provocations, they will be decisively and firmly rebuffed," Russian Delegation Head Valery Loshinin stated at August 5 Geneva Conference on Disarmament.

The Russian diplomat also focused on ongoing delivery of weapons to potential conflict zone and Georgian resumption of South Ossetia bombardment.

"Georgian authorities' revanchist statements arise serious concerns. The statement proves Saakashivi and his supporters did not manage to make correct inference from last year's venture," RA MFA statement cited Valery Loshinin as saying.

On August 4, South Ossetia Defense Minister Yuri Tanayev stated that Georgia is preparing a new provocation on August events' anniversary eve. Earlier, Russia informed about strengthening of South Ossetia forces combat readiness.