August 13, 2009 - 17:29 AMT
Armenian Turkish border opening not to affect Armenia's economic development
Armenian-Turkish border opening is not a subject for discussion, Sedrak Ahemyan, Chairman of the Central Board of Social Democratic Hnchakyan Party (SDHP), told today a seminar devoted to "Armenian-Turkish relations: present and past."

"Border was closed by Turkey not Armenia, so it's up to Turkey to think over the issue," Achemyan said, adding that border opening will not affect the country's economy.

"Even if Armenian-Turkish border remains closed, that won't affect our economy, Armenia has a Diaspora willing to make serious investment in the sphere," SDHP member said. According to him, Armenian authorities and Diaspora should start implementation of serious programs promoting the country's economic development.

If border opens, Armenia must be well prepared for that because border opening does not quite promise positive developments, Achemyan stressed.